One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
EMT training: breaking into a car door window

EMS Education - EMT Course

General Information


Course fee is $950.

Financial Aid is not available. The course fee is not eligible for tuition remission.

学生必须满足所有免疫要求才能参加本课程(见“要求”)。. Due to program requirements, immunization exemption forms and/or any other waiver may not be accepted by clinical sites. Exemptions are beyond our control. Students must have all required childhood immunizations.

This fee includes the cost of the course and EMT shirt. Students may purchase their textbook ($45-$75 depending on method), workbook ($83), blood pressure cuff ($39), and stethoscope ($100) at the Campus Store. (Prices subject to change.) It's recommended 学生们应该研究血压袖带和听诊器,并购买最符合他们预算和需求的产品. 学生将负责国家注册考试的费用(80美元)。.

2024-2025 Dates


Fall 2024

August 22 – December 3, 2024
Tuesday and Thursday 6–10 p.m., some (4) mandatory Saturdays 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
(9/7/24, 9/28/24, 10/12/24, 11/23/24) (dates are subject to change)

Spring 2025

Dates will be available soon.


Books are available through the Campus Store. Search on their website using the course code CEEM 0301.

有些人选择在购买时包括MyBradyLab,并发现在线资源很有帮助. This is not required for the course. Check with Continuing Education for instructions if you do purchase these resources.


backboard SP16-

Student Comments

"Definitely worth the time and money! 只要确保你的课业负担不要太重,因为这门课需要大量的学习. 你学到的信息和技能是非常值得的,教授是优秀的,真正表现出他们的关心 you as a person and future EMT."

"Study hard or it will not be fun. You should take this seriously. 我不想让我的生命掌握在一个不学习或不认真对待这件事的人手中我相信你也不会. Attention to detail!!"

"I really enjoyed the class! Learned a lot, loved the instructors. They definitely got to know us well and cared about our success."


“(教练)在你感到舒适和满意之前是不会感到舒适和满意的. Excellent instruction."

"Great course for any major."

"Best class I have had the opportunity to attend. 组织得非常好,信息以易于消化的方式呈现."

“我真的很喜欢(这位老师)的耐心和彻底,他教和解释事情. Thanks for showing you cared about us students!"


“(这位老师)彻底地教授了这些主题,并确保我们理解它们——尤其是在实验中. He gave us practical input from his field experience." 

Course Description

Course Overview

The course includes didactic instruction, laboratory practice, and clinical experience in a variety of settings. 讲座和实验室经验与临床经验相协调. Each student is expected to complete 20 hours of clinicals in addition to the 140 hours of classroom commitment. EMS教育培训课程为学生提供基本技能和强化培训,为他们准备国家注册考试. After completing the course and passing the NREMT, 学生将有资格在院前环境中提供紧急护理,达到他们的认证水平.

After passing the NREMT, 在Cedarville大学注册的EMT学生可以在向注册办公室出示NREMT卡时获得7个学期的普通选修课. Students do not have to take the course at Cedarville University to be awarded these hours.

Course Outcomes


  • 学生将能够定义和实践EMT在医疗保健服务系统中的作用.
  • Students will understand and apply anatomy, physiology, 病理生理学在危重伤员的评估和治疗中的沙巴体育.
  • Students will develop skills in rapid assessment, interpretation of data, and therapeutic intervention of the ill or injured persons.
  • Students will perform technical skills competently, including Basic Cardiac Life Support, patient transportation, communication, and documentation.
  • 学生将承担持续成长和自我完善的责任.


Admission Requirements

  1. Possess a high school diploma or G.E.D. Certificate.
  2. Be proficient in reading, writing, and speaking English. 如果英语不是主要语言,托福网考成绩必须达到79分.
  3. Have no previous felony convictions.
  4. 根据OAC 4765-8-01的规定,在课程结束时至少年满18岁.
  5. Be able to lift 50 pounds.
  6. Be able to stand and/or walk for long periods of time.
  7. 沙巴体育的学生必须在申请表上有他们的指导老师的签名.
  8. A physical must be completed prior to the start of class, including* two MMR or titer, a current flu shot, two-step TB test, the Tdap, two Varicella or titer, and Hepatitis B series of shots. The EMS Education Health History and Physical form must be used to report this information. (见“申请后”)任何学生未能在周三开课前完成这些内容,将被自动退学.
    *Note: Due to program requirements, 免疫豁免表格和/或取代上述要求的任何其他豁免不能保证临床站点接受. 为了参加EMT项目,学生必须进行所有儿童免疫接种
  9. 背景调查必须在课程开始前通过塞达维尔大学校园安全办公室完成(见“申请后”)。. This course is rigorous and may be offered several times during the year. Although incoming freshmen are 欢迎,我们鼓励他们在学习一学期后再修这门课.

不能因为学术上的顾虑而不让学生上这门课, 然而,学生可能会收到建议,他/她在这个时候不参加课程. 这个学生认真对待这个建议是非常明智的.


Two Steps Required:

Step 1 Complete and submit the EMT Student Application to the Continuing Education office (see below).

Step 2 Once received by the Continuing Education office, 后续的电子邮件将包含一个链接,以完成您在EMT课程的注册以及您的付款方式.

Important: Save and email your application or print and mail it to:

Cedarville University
Continuing Education
251 N. Main St.
Cedarville, OH 45314


注册将保持开放,直到注册截止日期,付款到期. No refunds will be issued after the registration deadline. If a student wishes to withdraw, they must do so no later than one week before the class begins, in which the course fee (minus a $35 processing fee) will be refunded.


课程开课满16学时后,学费将不予退还. 百分之十的行政费用将从剩余的课程费用中扣除. Students dismissed from the program will forfeit all money paid.

After Applying


Medical paperwork

Must be reported on the EMS physical form. Due on the registration deadline.

  1. Current physical and two step TB test - no more than 6 months old when the class begins
  2. Flu shot - current for the school year
  3. 2 MMR or titer
  4. 2 Varicella or titer
  5. Hepatitis B series
  6. Tdap - good for 10 years

中大全日制学生可到大学医务处预约体格检查. Contact them to set up an appointment. If a student chooses to use their own physician, they must have the EMS physical form completed by their physician.

What is a two step TB test?

The two step TB test requires several visits to your medical facility:

  1. The first tuberculin skin test (TST) is given
  2. The first TST is evaluated and interpreted
  3. The second TST is given 7 - 21 days later
  4. The second TST is evaluated and interpreted

Students must submit proof of health insurance. Due on the registration deadline.

Ohio background check


  • 如果EMS学生是消防或EMS机构的信誉良好的成员,并且在开始临床工作的一年内进行了BCI背景调查,则可以接受先前的俄亥俄州BCI背景调查. 
  • A resident of Ohio for at least 5 years - need the BCI ($40)
  • Not a resident of Ohio for at least 5 years - need the BCI and FBI ($65) 
EMS学生需要使用校园安全来获得背景调查. Call to schedule an appointment (937-766-7992). 

您的医疗信息和背景调查必须在注册截止日期前送到我们的办公室, or your registration will be canceled, and your money refunded. The only exception is for the flu shot during fall semester. In that case, the due date for the flu shot will be announced in class.

Required supplies

  1. Textbook - correct edition; may be new or used
  2. Workbook - must be new
  3. Blood pressure cuff
  4. Stethoscope

Supplies may be purchased at the Campus Store.

extrication SP16

EMT at Cedarville