One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville



The 外国电影系列 provides the Cedarville community an opportunity to view interesting and challenging films from around the world. The series allows viewers to peer into often unfamiliar cultures through the eyes of the cultures themselves.

  • 在这世界一角的海报


    日期和地点: 2月8日,晚上6点和9点.m.、防弹少年团104

    预告片 IMDB

    描述: Based on the award-winning manga by Fumiyo Kouno, 在世界的这个角落, 描述了Suzu, 一个来自广岛的小女孩, who has just become a bride in the nearby city of Kure during World War II. 和她丈夫的家人住在一起, 苏须适应她的新生活, which is made especially difficult by regular air raids. 然而, Suzu, through the help of her new family and neighbors, begins to discover the joys of everyday life in Kure. Much is gained in Kure, but with war, many things cherished are also lost.

    导演: Sunao Katabuchi

    表演者: Rena Nōnen, Yoshimasa Hosoya, Natsuki Inaba, Minori Omi


    Perfectly animated, emotionally pure, 在世界的这个角落 is an outright marvel. ——莎拉·米歇尔·费特斯,电影怪人.com

    An elegant reminder that we can never forget what life during wartime does to the human soul. ——布莱恩·塔列里科,罗杰伯特.com

    [Suzu’s] life is treated as thoroughly unexceptional . . . 当然,事实并非如此. Besides a heart full of (hesitant) love and a soul full of (bashful) virtue, she has the artist’s drive to capture the passing world. ——马修·利科纳(《沙巴体育》

    The painterly beauty of anime detaches the viewer from the terrible events depicted, but it also makes these cataclysms more accessible to the imagination. ——peter Keough,波士顿环球报

    The quietly revealing tale from the director Sunao Katabuchi follows the childhood and arranged marriage of Suzu, 一个“普通,“但这是一个完全坚韧的女孩, 谁也有绘画的天赋. ——凯特·缪尔(英国《沙巴体育》)

    Director and writer Sunao Katabuchi brings us a profound and overwhelming tale that is nothing short of heartbreakingly beautiful. ——HeyUGuys的gloria Daniels-Moss

  • Suzume海报


    日期和地点: 3月21日,晚上6点和8点45分.m.、防弹少年团104

    预告片 IMDB

    描述: Suzume’s journey begins when she meets a young man looking for a door. Following him, she finds one and reaches for the knob. Doors open across Japan, unleashing destruction. Now Suzume must close them to prevent further disaster.

    导演: Makoto下潜

    表演者: 原奈若娜,松村北东,福胜里


    Shinkai Makoto’s supernatural fantasy is a whirlwind of tentacled monsters, interdimensional portals and talking chairs, but the film is at its strongest when grounded in everyday life. ——杰西卡·江,《视线 & 声音

    Suzume is Shinkai’s biggest and possibly most complex movie, and parts of it feel more personal due to the invocation of real history. -Sam Barsanti, AV Club

    一部引人入胜、令人沮丧的电影. ——玛雅·菲利普斯,纽约时报

    这很吸引人, 有趣的, bewildering work: often spectacular and beautiful, like a sci-fi supernatural disaster movie or an essay on nature and politics, but shot through with distinctive elements of fey and whimsical comedy. -Peter Bradshaw,卫报

    It is a work of art which reflects on the loss of collective memory and the oblivion of the history of places, as well as on the complex relationship between nature and humanity. -Nicolás麦地那,蒙得维的亚门户网站

    There is a poignancy to how the film depicts these abandoned spaces and how the means of bringing order out of chaos is to “hear” the past and remember all who once called them home. ——isabel Ong,《今日基督教

    Suzume's plot is a testament to the power of storytelling and remains a beautifully crafted film that speaks to the human experience of grappling with grief and the possibility of healing. ——abhishek Srivastava,《印度时报
  • 夫人的海报


    日期和地点: 4月11日,晚上6点和8点半.m.、防弹少年团104

    预告片 IMDB

    描述: A ticking-clock thriller set during the tense 19 days of the Yom Kippur War, Israeli Prime Minister 夫人 Meir must navigate overwhelming odds, 多疑的内阁, 以及与美国的复杂关系.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger with millions of lives in the balance. Her tough leadership and compassion would ultimately decide the fate of Israel.

    导演: 家伙Nattiv

    表演者: Helen Mirren, Liev Schreiber, Camille Cottin, Rami Heuberger


    There is no trace of Helen Mirren in 夫人, and that’s the way it ought to be. To say that she becomes the fabled Israeli Prime Minister is a mild understatement, and it should come as no surprise that she delivers a great performance. -Leonard Maltin,

    Perceptions may be colored by revisionist political opinions of Meir, but Mirren embodies a complex character of conscience and empathy, who feels deeply and acts decisively to preserve an independent state even as she herself is disappearing. 一颗宝石. ——塞尔玛·亚当斯《成人电影

    Mirren portrays Meir in her darkest days at the height of the 1973 Yom Kippur War with empathy and loving subtlety. It’s hard to imagine anyone doing it better, and this is territory that was once mined by Ingrid Bergman. –G. 艾伦·约翰逊,旧金山纪事报

    The film itself describes 夫人 as a hero outside of Israel and controversial in her own land, and it does well enough in embodying that very same controversy. ——萨维娜·佩特科娃,《一部值得看的好电影

    Ultimately, 夫人 is an essential piece of cinematic contemplation on the value of war. ——本杰明·弗朗茨《电影威胁

    Helen Mirren astounds as Israeli Prime Minister 夫人 Meir in a tense dramatization of the Yom Kippur War. The film juxtaposes her debilitating cancer treatments with the fortitude to make life and death decisions under extraordinary circumstances. ——朱利安·罗曼,MovieWeb